Tug Building for Shoreham Port

Tug Building for Shoreham Port

The 16m tug building for Shoreham port has been turned ready for the wheelhouse to be fabricated and outfitting to begin.

The “Rachel Carson” Transported to the University of Washington

The “Rachel Carson” Transported to the University of Washington

The research vessel ‘Aora’ has been purchased and converted to the ‘Rachel Carson’ and has been transported to the University of Washington.

A note from the new owners :-

“We departed Macduff Shipyard 8 October for Hartlepool where we lay awaiting final shipping port and date confirmation.  With the port and date assigned and a weather window open we crossed for Rotterdam on 19 October. Rachel Carson lay at Rotterdam until  28 October when she was loaded on M/V Transporter.  Due to the late season there were no ships going direct to the Pacific Northwest.  Transporter unloaded Rachel Caron in West Palm Beach Florida on 9 November.  We moved the boat to Fort Pierce Florida, the only nearby port with both room and depth for Rachel Carson.  We then moved her back to West Palm Beach to load on Industrial Skipper 1 December for transit to Victoria British Columbia.  She was unloaded on 28 December and we completed the final leg on 29 December.”

“Scotia” Sea Trials

“Scotia” Sea Trials

The “SCOTIA” a 12.75m Pilot boat built for ABP Ayr Harbour has been launched and has undergone trials performing as expected. She has been accepted by her owners and is now on her way to begin working duties at her home port.

Audacious Launched

Audacious Launched

Macduff Shipyard number 680 – the “Audacious” has been launched and is being made ready for her tow to Macduff for outfitting.