30.00m ASD FiFi Tug
Classed to Bureau Veritas BV-I HULL MACH TUG FIRE FIGHTING SHIP 1 AUT-UMS Unrestricted Navigation the vessel carries 160m3 of oil fuel, 30m3 of freshwater, 16.6m3 of water ballast, 9m3 of foam and 9m3 of detergent. Her overall length is 30m, beam 11m and moulded depth 5m with an operating draft aft of about 5.2m USK. Propelled by two Yanmar 6EY22AW 1330kW main engines rated at 1330kw, driving Schottel SRP 1012 CP ASD units, on trials it produced 42 Tonnes of Bollard pull ahead and 40 tonnes astern.
Equipped as a FiFi 1 tug she has two fire monitors with a capacity each of 1200m3 provided by two main engine pumps rated at 1329m3 each. Auxiliary power is from two Cat C6.6 each rated at 125kw. Deck equipment comprises a forward-mounted towing winch with a rated line pull of 20t and brake load of 130t, an aft Mampaey 65t towing hook and a hydraulic deck crane. Accommodation is for 9 persons in a mixture of single and twin-berth cabins, with en-suite and communal wash places, galley/mess and laundry. At this time the vessel is available for charter or sale through the TOR Group