MV ‘Fruitful Harvest’ and ‘Fruitful Bough’ – Press Release
Macduff Ship Design are delighted to announce the delivery of two sister vessels, ‘Fruitful Harvest’ and ‘Fruitful Bough’ to their owners Blueshell Mussels of Shetland. The two new 20m Mussel Harvest Vessels are now starting operations at the numerous mussel farm...

Cheoy Lee Shipyard / SAAM Towage Canada – Press Release
Macduff Ship Design are delighted to be able to announce the delivery of 2 vessels to SAAM Towage Canada by Cheoy Lee Shipyard. The vessels were built at the companies Zhuhai facilities in China. The design was commissioned by Cheoy Lee shipyards to fit within their...

Macduff Ship Design Ltd. NEW DELIVERIES 2024
As we are nearing the end of 2024, we wanted to celebrate some of the Macduff Ship Design Ltd vessels that have been delivered to their owners this year. It has been a busy year and we would like to thank all our customers and partners, working with us on these...

Forever Faithful PD289 – Press Release
Macduff Ship Design are pleased to announce completion and delivery of the fishing vessel ‘FOREVER FAITHFUL, PD 289’. The vessel built by Macduff Shipyards replaces the owner’s previous vessel of the same name, built by the same yard in 2016, and is the fifth trawler...

Eternal Promise FR36 – Press Release
Macduff Ship Design are pleased to confirm the recent completion and delivery of the new build fishing vessel, ‘ETERNAL PROMISE, FR 36’, to owners Whitelink Seafoods Ltd, Fraserburgh. This fishing vessel was built by Macduff Shipyards and is intended to fish...

Workboat World 2023 Awards
Macduff Ship Design are pleased to announce that we have been awarded 'BEST PRAWN TRAWLER' for the ZENITH, 'BEST AQUACULTURE LANDING CRAFT' for the TURAS A 'BHRADAIN and 'BEST SMALL TRAWLER' for the COPIOUS in Workboat Worlds 2023 awards organised by Work Boat World -...

Tug deliveries and future projects – Press Release
Macduff ship Design has seen a number of ASD tug deliveries over recent months and some interesting development work completed on future tug technology.The most recent completion has been that of the 25m ASD harbour tug ‘PNT Bholu’. The vessel was built by Karachi...

River Pearl 10 – Press Release
Macduff Ship Design is pleased to announce that the 21m ASD tug /service vessel, ‘River Pearl 10’, has been delivered to its owners Knowledge Marine & Engineering Works Limited. The vessel was completed by Synergy Shipbuilders at their yard in Goa and has...

Zenith BF 106 – Press Release
Macduff Ship Design are pleased to announce the completion of the new build fishing vessel, ‘ZENITH, BF 106’. The vessel was built by Macduff Shipyards for owner Mark Robertson, along with sons Paul and Adam. This fishing vessel replaces the owner’s previous two...

Turas A ‘Bhradain – Press Release
Macduff Ship Design is pleased to announce that the 24m Workboat, ‘Turas A Bhradain’, has been delivered to its owners Bakkafrost Scotland. The vessel was completed by Macduff Shipyards at their yard in the Aberdeenshire and is the first of two near identical bespoke...