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16.00m Tug Building

16.00m Tug Building

The 16m Tug building in Macduff Shipyards for Shoreham port has had the wheelhouse fabricated and will be ready for internal outfitting to start.

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High Commendation for “Scotia”

High Commendation for “Scotia”

Macduff recieved a high commendation for their recently built vessel "Scotia" for ABP Ayr Harbour from the port authority themselves. "We have been doing all sorts of things with her already, pilot duty, mooring assist in adverse weather. The boat handles very well...

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16.8m Workboat

16.8m Workboat

Tor Marine has completed a 16.8m workboat based on the 14.9m general service vessels with an additional 1.9m lengthened section.

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“Scotia” Sea Trials

“Scotia” Sea Trials

The "SCOTIA" a 12.75m Pilot boat built for ABP Ayr Harbour has been launched and has undergone trials performing as expected. She has been accepted by her owners and is now on her way to begin working duties at her home port.

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Audacious Launched

Audacious Launched

Macduff Shipyard number 680 - the "Audacious" has been launched and is being made ready for her tow to Macduff for outfitting.

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Keel Laying Ceremony for “Atlantic Titan”

Keel Laying Ceremony for “Atlantic Titan”

A keel laying ceremony has taken place for the 90' fishing vessel "Atlantic Titan" being designed and built in collaboration with Shipbuilding Asia Ltd in Vietnam, representatives from Macduff Ship Design were present during the signing.

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