We are committed to protecting your personal information and will keep the information you entrust to us safely and securely.

Why we collect information

We collect information from you for three reasons:

  1. To process an order, provide any other services requested, or fulfil any other contractual obligations we have to you, we may collect names, email addresses, postal addresses and credit-card details. We may also monitor and record telephone conversations.
  2. To make your visit more rewarding and useful, we may monitor customer patterns and your use of the site via cookies (please see the information below on cookies).
  3. Should you consent, to send you information about future products and promotions from Macduff Ship Design Ltd.
    If you supply us with another person’s details or data you warrant or promise that you have that person’s permission to give us that information. We will only use those details to contact them for that immediate purpose.


These are small pieces of information that are stored by your browser on your computer’s hard drive. Our cookies do not in themselves recognise the individual user but will recognise the computer you are using so that we know when you are returning to the site. Most browsers will automatically accept cookies, but you can change the settings on your browser to prevent this happening.


We do not wish to collect any personal information from children without their parents’ consent. If you are under 13, please obtain consent from your parents or guardian before supplying any information.

Disclosing information to others

We will not sell or share your personal information with third parties except as stated below, or to fulfil another function to which you have consented.

We employ other companies to perform functions on our behalf, including fulfilling orders, sending emails and postal mail, and analysing data. We will ensure that these companies only use such information under our direction to perform these functions, and that they have adequate procedures in place to deal with your data securely.

Some of these companies may be based outside the EU. If we transfer your data to these companies we will ensure that they process your data in accordance with this privacy policy and the Data Protection Act.

Accuracy and access to personal information

With any marketing material that is sent to you, we will give you the opportunity and instructions to contact us to check the accuracy of your personal information, along with the option to unsubscribe from future marketing.

Macduff Ship Design Ltd., Low Shore, Macduff, Aberdeenshire, Scotland AB44 1RE