Stability Work
Stability work is a speciality of Macduff Ship Design Ltd, whether it is in connection with a new design or an existing vessel, and a quick response time is always guaranteed.
Stability Work
Stability work is a speciality of Macduff Ship Design Ltd, whether it is in connection with a new design or an existing vessel, and a quick response time is always guaranteed.

Lightship Tests
Lightship tests are carried out periodically as a statutory requirement on some vessel types in order to establish whether the vessels weight and longitudinal centre of gravity have changed significantly from its aproved stability book. They can also be used to gain a general picture of whether further investigation of the vessels stability is required.
Macduff Ship Design is fully competent at conducting these checks, passing the final report to the UK MCA or class authority to enable certification to be issued.

Incline Experiments
In the case of a new build, or where a vessel has undergone more significant changes, an inclining experiment will be required to gain a fuller picture of a vessels stability.
We have extensive experience in conducting inclining experiments and will produce a comprehensive report to National Flag or classification society standards.
Our Workboat Code Examiner is also available to witness inclining experiments on behalf of the Society of Consulting Marine Engineers and Ship Surveyors (SCMS).
Stability Analysis
We can carry out full damage stability analysis and are fully conversant with the latest fishing vessel, workboat, merchant ship and passenger vessel stability regulations including probabilistic damage stability to Solas requirements.
Recently we successfully undertook a stability analysis of two offshore supply vessels to bring them under the Special Purpose Ship code and allow the vessel owners to take on new work. Intact and damage stability analysis was performed and the necessary modifications to the vessel for compliance were advised. Finally, stability booklets and updated damage plans were produced for submittal to Class association for approval. Additionally, we are fully competent in producing stability booklets for all types of vessels utilising specialised working cycles where required.
In the past we have also carried out stability projects in conjunction with the United Kingdom Sea Fish Industry Authority (SFIA) looking into the existing stability regulations for small fishing vessels, and the Marine Accident Investigation Branch (MAIB) looking into the effects of flooding on fishing vessels.